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Diabetes, diabetic (brittle) (congenital) (familial) (mellitus) (poorly controlled) (severe) (slight) (without complication) 250.0
latent (chemical)  - see Diabetes, secondary
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 648.0
lipoidosis 250.8 [272.7]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [272.7]
macular edema 250.5 [362.07]
due to secondary diabetes 249.5 [362.07]
with manifest disease in the infant 775.1
affecting fetus or newborn 775.0
microaneurysms, retinal 250.5 [362.01]
due to secondary diabetes 249.5 [362.01]
mononeuropathy 250.6 [355.9]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [355.9]
neonatal, transient 775.1
nephropathy 250.4 [583.81]
due to secondary diabetes 249.4 [581.81]
nephrosis (syndrome) 250.4 [581.81]
due to secondary diabetes 249.4 [581.81]
neuralgia 250.6 [357.2]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2]
neuritis 250.6 [357.2]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2]
neurogenic arthropathy 250.6 [713.5]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [713.5]
neuropathy 250.6 [357.2]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2]
nonclinical 790.29
osteomyelitis 250.8 [731.8]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [731.8]
out of control - code to Diabetes, by type, with 5th digit for uncontrolled
peripheral autonomic neuropathy 250.6 [337.1]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [337.1]
phosphate 275.3
polyneuropathy 250.6 [357.2]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2]
poorly controlled - code to Diabetes, by type, with 5th digit for not stated as uncontrolled
renal (true) 271.4
edema 250.5 [362.07]
due to secondary diabetes 249.5 [362.07]
hemorrhage 250.5 [362.01]
due to secondary diabetes 249.5 [362.01]
microaneurysms 250.5 [362.01]
due to secondary diabetes 249.5 [362.01]
retinitis 250.5 [362.01]
due to secondary diabetes 249.5 [362.01]
retinopathy 250.5 [362.01]
due to secondary diabetes 249.5 [362.01]
background 250.5 [362.01]
due to secondary diabetes 249.5 [362.01]
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