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Effect, adverse NEC
hunger 994.2
immersion, foot 991.4
immunization - see Complications, vaccination
immunological agents - see Complications, vaccination
implantation (removable) of isotope or radium NEC 990
infrared (radiation) (rays) NEC 990
burn - see Burn, by site
dermatitis or eczema 692.82
infusion - see Complications, infusion
ingestion or injection of isotope (therapeutic) NEC 990
irradiation NEC (see also Effect, adverse, radiation) 990
isotope (radioactive) NEC 990
lack of care (child) (infant) (newborn) 995.52
adult 995.84
lightning 994.0
burn - see Burn, by site
Lirugin - see Complications, vaccination
mesothorium NEC 990
motion 994.6
noise, inner ear 388.10
medicinal substance, correct, properly administered (see also Effect, adverse, drugs) 995.20
other drug, medicinal and biological substance 995.29
overheated places - see Heat
polonium NEC 990
psychosocial, of work environment V62.1
radiation (diagnostic) (fallout) (infrared) (natural source) (therapeutic) (tracer) (ultraviolet) (x-ray) NEC 990
with pulmonary manifestations
acute 508.0
chronic 508.1
dermatitis or eczema 692.82
due to sun NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
fibrosis of lungs 508.1
maternal with suspected damage to fetus affecting management of pregnancy 655.6
pneumonitis 508.0
radioactive substance NEC 990
dermatitis or eczema 692.82
radioactivity NEC 990
radiotherapy NEC 990
dermatitis or eczema 692.82
radium NEC 990
reduced temperature 991.9
frostbite - see Frostbite
immersion, foot (hand) 991.4
specified effect NEC 991.8
roentgenography NEC 990
roentgenoscopy NEC 990
roentgen rays NEC 990
serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) NEC 999.5
specified NEC 995.89
external cause NEC 994.9
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