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Nephrosis, nephrotic (Epstein's) (syndrome) 581.9
lesion of
focal glomerulosclerosis 581.1
endothelial 581.2
hypocomplementemic persistent 581.2
lobular 581.2
membranoproliferative 581.2
membranous 581.1
mesangiocapillary 581.2
minimal change 581.3
mixed membranous and proliferative 581.2
proliferative 581.0
segmental hyalinosis 581.1
specified pathology NEC 581.89
acute - see Nephrosis, tubular
anoxic - see Nephrosis, tubular
arteriosclerotic (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
chemical - see Nephrosis, tubular
cholemic 572.4
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium - see Nephritis, complicating pregnancy
diabetic 250.4 [581.81]
due to secondary diabetes 249.4 [581.81]
Finnish type (congenital) 759.89
hemoglobinuric - see Nephrosis, tubular
amyloidosis 277.39 [581.81]
diabetes mellitus 250.4 [581.81]
due to secondary diabetes 249.4 [581.81]
epidemic hemorrhagic fever 078.6
malaria 084.9 [581.81]
polyarteritis 446.0 [581.81]
systemic lupus erythematosus 710.0 [581.81]
ischemic - see Nephrosis, tubular
lipoid 581.3
lower nephron - see Nephrosis, tubular
lupoid 710.0 [581.81]
lupus 710.0 [581.81]
malarial 084.9 [581.81]
minimal change 581.3
necrotizing - see Nephrosis, tubular
osmotic (sucrose) 588.89
polyarteritic 446.0 [581.81]
radiation 581.9
specified lesion or cause NEC 581.89
syphilitic 095.4
toxic - see Nephrosis, tubular
tubular (acute) 584.5
due to a procedure 997.5
radiation 581.9
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