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Iatrogenic syndrome of excess cortisol 255.0
Iceland disease (epidemic neuromyasthenia) 049.8
Ichthyosis (congenita) 757.1
Ichthyotoxism 988.0
Icteroanemia, hemolytic (acquired) 283.9
Icterus (see also Jaundice) 782.4
Ictus solaris, solis 992.0
Identity disorder 313.82
Idioglossia 307.9
Idiopathic - see condition
Idiosyncrasy (see also Allergy) 995.3
Idiot, idiocy (congenital) 318.2
Id reaction (due to bacteria) 692.89
IEED (involuntary emotional expression disorder) 310.8
IFIS (intraoperative floppy iris syndrome) 364.81
IgE asthma 493.0
Ileitis (chronic) (see also Enteritis) 558.9
Ileocolitis (see also Enteritis) 558.9
Ileostomy status V44.2
Ileotyphus 002.0
Ileum - see condition
Ileus (adynamic) (bowel) (colon) (inhibitory) (intestine) (neurogenic) (paralytic) 560.1
Iliac - see condition
Iliotibial band friction syndrome 728.89
Ill, louping 063.1
Illegitimacy V61.6
Illness - see also Disease
Imbalance 781.2
Imbecile, imbecility 318.0
Imbedding, intrauterine device 996.32
Imbibition, cholesterol (gallbladder) 575.6
Imerslund (-Gräsbeck) syndrome (anemia due to familial selective vitamin B12 malabsorption) 281.1
Iminoacidopathy 270.8
Iminoglycinuria, familial 270.8
Immature - see also Immaturity
Immaturity 765.1
Immersion 994.1
Immobile, immobility
Immunodeficiency 279.3
Immunotherapy, prophylactic V07.2
Impaction, impacted
Impaired, impairment (function)
Impaludism - see Malaria
Impediment, speech NEC 784.5
Imperception, auditory (acquired) (congenital) 389.9
Imperfectly descended testis 752.51
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