Pectoral - see condition |
Pectus |
Pediculosis (infestation) 132.9 |
Pediculus (infestation) - see Pediculosis |
Pel-Ebstein disease - see Disease, Hodgkin's |
Pelger-Huët anomaly or syndrome (hereditary hyposegmentation) 288.2 |
Peliosis (rheumatica) 287.0 |
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher |
Pellagra (alcoholic or with alcoholism) 265.2 |
Pellagra-cerebellar-ataxia-renal aminoaciduria syndrome 270.0 |
Pellegrini's disease (calcification, knee joint) 726.62 |
Pellegrini (-Stieda) disease or syndrome (calcification, knee joint) 726.62 |
Pellizzi's syndrome (pineal) 259.8 |
Pelvic - see also condition |
Pelviperitonitis |
Pelvis, pelvic - see also condition or type |
Pendred's syndrome (familial goiter with deaf-mutism) 243 |
Pendulous |
Penetrating wound - see also Wound, open, by site |
Penetration, pregnant uterus by instrument |
Penfield's syndrome (see also Epilepsy) 345.5 |
Penicilliosis of lung 117.3 |
Penis - see condition |
Pentalogy (of Fallot) 745.2 |
Pentosuria (benign) (essential) 271.8 |
Peptic acid disease 536.8 |
Peregrinating patient V65.2 |
Perforated - see Perforation |
Perforation, perforative (nontraumatic) |
Periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens 528.2 |
Periappendicitis (acute) (see also Appendicitis) 541 |
Periarteritis (disseminated) (infectious) (necrotizing) (nodosa) 446.0 |
Periarthrosis (angioneural) - see Periarthritis |
Pericapsulitis, adhesive (shoulder) 726.0 |
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