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96 Nonoperative intubation and irrigation
96.1 Other nonoperative insertion
nasolacrimal intubation (09.44)
96.29 Reduction of intussusception of alimentary tract
ionizing radiation enema
ultrasonography guidance
Hydrostatic reduction
Pneumatic reduction
intra-abdominal manipulation of intestine, not otherwise specified (46.80)
96.39 Other transanal enema
Rectal irrigation
reduction of intussusception of alimentary tract by ionizing radiation enema (96.29)
96.6 Enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances
96.7 Other continuous invasive mechanical ventilation
Includes: BiPAP delivered through endotracheal tube or tracheostomy (invasive interface)
CPAP delivered through endotracheal tube or tracheostomy (invasive interface)
Endotracheal respiratory assistance
Invasive positive pressure ventilation [IPPV]
Mechanical ventilation through invasive interface
That by tracheostomy
Weaning of an intubated (endotracheal tube) patient
Excludes: non-invasive bi-level positive airway pressure [BiPAP] (93.90)
continuous negative pressure ventilation [CNP] (iron lung) (cuirass) (93.99)
non-invasive continuous positive airway pressure [CPAP] (93.90)
intermittent positive pressure breathing [IPPB] (93.91)
non-invasive positive pressure (NIPPV) (93.90)
that by face mask (93.90-93.99)
that by nasal cannula (93.90-93.99)
that by nasal catheter (93.90-93.99)
Code also any associated:
endotracheal tube insertion (96.04)
tracheostomy (31.1-31.29)
Note: Endotracheal Intubation
To calculate the number of hours (duration) of continuous mechanical ventilation during a hospitalization, begin the count from the start of the (endotracheal) intubation. The duration ends with (endotracheal) extubation.
If a patient is intubated prior to admission, begin counting the duration from the time of the admission. If a patient is transferred (discharged) while intubated, the duration would end at the time of transfer (discharge).
For patients who begin on (endotracheal) intubation and subsequently have a tracheostomy performed for mechanical ventilation, the duration begins with the (endotracheal) intubation and ends when the mechanical ventilation is turned off (after the weaning period).
To calculate the number of hours of continuous mechanical ventilation during a hospitalization, begin counting the duration when mechanical ventilation is started. The duration ends when the mechanical ventilator is turned off (after the weaning period).
If a patient has received a tracheostomy prior to admission and is on mechanical ventilation at the time of admission, begin counting the duration from the time of admission. If a patient is transferred (discharged) while still on mechanical ventilation via tracheostomy, the duration would end at the time of the transfer (discharge).
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